The AHA’s BLS Course is designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel (MD, RN, PT, MA, CNA, EMT, Paramedic, etc) who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in-facility and prehospital settings.
Course option:
1) in person all instructor led (no online needed)
- Initial: First time student or BLS Providers card had expired
- Renewal: Must have a current/ expiring/recently expired (within 2 months) American Heart Association BLS providers card to attend
2) Online and skill session - you must have both part to receive your certificate. Complete the learning part at home online, then come in for the hands on skill session, we do by appointment skills sessions. Please complete the online course prior to your skill session with your instructor.
​​Online and skill session. This option is 2 part, part 1: online portion where you do the classroom portion of your training online ( 1-2 hours for BLS but you can start and stop as needed) and Part 2: skill session where you will meet with an instructor, practice on the manikin and other required skills, and ask any questions you may have during your online training. Skill session portion will take your about 30-60 mins. We will email you the online course code for you to complete prior to your skill session if you purchased through our website.
BLS initial
BLS Renewal
BLS online and skill session
BLS skill session only
First Aid add on